• The Heart

    “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Prov. 4:23). Whether we know it or not, all of us have had heart trouble. The good news is that Jesus Christ is the best heart specialist of all time. In this collection, Bessie examines the Bible’s references to the heart: what God says about our condition, and what provision He has made for us in Jesus Christ. It is no-nonsense Bible teaching with an emphasis on practical application.
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  • God is good, all the time. Jim Wilson was born in 1927 and raised in a Depression-era farming family. At the age of sixteen, at the height of World War II, he became the primary breadwinner for his parents and four younger siblings. At age seventeen, eager to fight for his country, he enlisted in the Navy. Germany surrendered while he was in the recruiting office, and the war was over by the time he entered boot camp. But God had a plan for Jim Wilson in the U.S. Navy…

    Through adventures of sickness, poverty, hard work, and war, this is the story of God’s provision and protection in the life of one Nebraska farm boy turned ardent evangelist.

    “For sixty years, Jim helped me apply my Christian faith to life—not through eloquence, power, or wealth but through a demonstrated commitment pointing the way to life’s Source. This is the story of an American life well lived.” - John Knubel, Lt. Cdr. USN Retired, Naval Academy Class of ’62.

    "My Grandfather has been telling fantastic stories for as long as I can remember, and living them for far longer than that. His influence is a huge contributor to my own career as a story teller, and I’m incredibly grateful—for myself and my kids—that he found the energy to compile his life story in book form. Just one caution: don’t go thinking he’s a reliable narrator. He isn’t. He undersells himself constantly, but only because his eyes are so firmly locked on the true Author, the One who wrote every one of these Jim Wilson stories while the concrete for time’s foundation was still wet and churning in the trucks." - N.D. Wilson, author

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  • “I had never read anything like this in the religious books of the Hindus.” After years of searching for something more than the hopeless existence her religion offered to those not born into a high caste, Pandita had at last discovered someone who could uplift the downtrodden women of India—and every land. “To me, who but a few moments ago ‘sat in the region and shadow of death, light had sprung up’ (Matthew 4:16).” In An Honorable Heritage, Pandita Ramabai tells her story of being born into the privileged Brahman caste and leaving tradition behind for something far better—the light and hope she found in Christ.
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  • The Spirit Is Moving

    The Holy Spirit is in business these days. Christ is healing wounds that no one else can heal. People all over the world are experiencing the love of God in a new way. The Spirit is blowing our fences down, reconciling us to God and each other. Sin remains just talk about ethics, until the Holy Spirit comes, and we find ourselves caught red-handed in His revealing light. But the blessed Holy Spirit is not a policeman. He is the Friend of the guilty. He convicts in order to liberate. See what happens when a person comes afresh to Him.
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  • The Dynamic of Service

    During his time at Oxford, a friend asked Paget Wilkes one day, “I say, Paget, do you tackle everyone who comes into your rooms about his soul?” “Yes,’ answered Paget, “if he comes in alone.” Wilkes was convinced that even the humblest Christian is responsible for bringing men to Christ. “If we have been forgiven and know it, if we have been made new creatures in Christ Jesus, then we…are commissioned to minister this same salvation unto men and to witness of all these things which Jesus our Savior has revealed to us. Hallelujah!” The primary need of the mission field today, as it was in Wilkes’ time, “is not for a highly educated and cultured pastorate, but for red-hot evangelists, filled with the Spirit and with the Word.” Join Wilkes as he expounds the living Christ from Scripture and reveals the power of the Holy Spirit to uphold and enable converts and evangelists alike.
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  • "Christ is kindest in His love when we are at our weakest." - Samuel Rutherford When we read The Loveliness of Christ, it is as though a curtain is raised for us, enabling us to observe a man so taken up with his Lord that we want to kneel with him. It is not a book to read straight through, but to graze in, appropriating what we need, going back during a trial and seeing what we missed on our first reading. It is a book to mark in with “so true,” and, “Lord, let it be my experience too.”
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  • “The unity of the Body is one of the most forceful apologetics for the divinity of Christ. Conversely, disunity is Satan’s most successful tool.” – Otto Helweg

    God’s glory in us is the basic provision for Christian unity. “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:20-23).

    The primary assumption in this book is the authority and inspiration of the Scriptures. There are promises, prayers, and commands in the New Testament concerning the church’s unity in Christ. The Christian church is made up of individual members of the body of Christ. This book is written to those individuals. The church as a whole cannot obey God. Only the parts can.

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  • Mr. Trumbull reveals tremendous insight into the full reality of the victory we have in Christ. He uplifts the Lord Jesus Christ, pointing to Him as the Victor who has achieved victory by the power of His divine life and His finished work on the Cross. If you want to live a victorious, joyful Christian life, this book is for you.
  • Purity

    A practical, biblical discussion of what it means to be sexually pure, how to maintain purity, and how to flee temptation.
  • Does revival come only in great soul-shaking outpourings of the Spirit? "NO!" says Norman Grubb. Revival is within reach of everyday people and can be experienced in your heart, home, and church. Follow the author as he takes you through his experiences and the effect on his life of the brokenness and ongoing personal revival he found as a result of his exposure to the revival movement in Rwanda, East Africa in 1950. Learn the working secret which brought continuous revival to thousands over a period of sixteen years. Read this book and let the Reviver do His work in you.
  • Roy Hession, a successful evangelist in England, knew he had lost the power of the Spirit in his life - a terrible feeling as he led his evangelistic campaigns. In 1947, Hession met leaders of the East African Church which was then experiencing a sweeping revival, and recognized his deep personal need. It was like starting the Christian life over as he came humbly to the Cross. The principles which the Lord taught him were first published in 1950 as The Calvary Road and are now available in over 70 languages. Do you long for revival and power in your life? Learn how Jesus can fill you with His spirit through brokenness, repentance and confession in this updated version of Hession’s classic work.
  • In a world of dysfunctional families, churches, and societies, professional counseling is in great demand as a solution to our problems. The weak link in this solution is the inability to determine a counselor’s qualifications apart from his professional accreditation. Academics can give you knowledge, but no learning or books can give you wisdom. There are no graduate degrees in love or compassion. You cannot get a PhD in virtue. However, these things are available to everyone freely through Christ. Counseling needs knowledge, but it needs wisdom even more. Wisdom comes from the Bible, from age and experience, from answered prayer. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5). As Christians, our objective is to bring others up to maturity in Christ. To do this, we must have the same qualifications Paul had (the wisdom, the holiness, and the love). This book is for counselors and all Christians as they work “to present everyone perfect in Christ” (Col. 1:28). In Wisdom, Not Knowledge, Jim Wilson shares what he has learned from the Bible, personal experience, and answered prayer in more than six decades of counseling. With chapters on comforting, exhorting, rebuking, forgiving, and prayer as well as treatments of special subjects such as depression, false guilt, and self-esteem, this book is a great resource for any counselor, whether you're a professional or just trying to help a friend. Not a counselor? Learn how to grow in Christ and discover solutions to your own problems as you apply the wisdom in these chapters to your life.
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