There have probably been times in your life when you could say that your joy was full. Jesus is interested in this being your normal state of affairs. “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full” (John 15:9–11). “Though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and…you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8). In this collection of short meditations, Heather Torosyan explores the theme of joy in Scripture and discusses how it applies to our daily lives. This is not an academic treatise, but a study meant to encourage the reader—that you also may be filled with inexpressible, overflowing joy.
Mr. Trumbull reveals tremendous insight into the full reality of the victory we have in Christ. He uplifts the Lord Jesus Christ, pointing to Him as the Victor who has achieved victory by the power of His divine life and His finished work on the Cross. If you want to live a victorious, joyful Christian life, this book is for you.
Roy Hession, a successful evangelist in England, knew he had lost the power of the Spirit in his life - a terrible feeling as he led his evangelistic campaigns. In 1947, Hession met leaders of the East African Church which was then experiencing a sweeping revival, and recognized his deep personal need. It was like starting the Christian life over as he came humbly to the Cross. The principles which the Lord taught him were first published in 1950 as The Calvary Road and are now available in over 70 languages. Do you long for revival and power in your life? Learn how Jesus can fill you with His spirit through brokenness, repentance and confession in this updated version of Hession’s classic work.
God is good, all the time. Jim Wilson was born in 1927 and raised in a Depression-era farming family. At the age of sixteen, at the height of World War II, he became the primary breadwinner for his parents and four younger siblings. At age seventeen, eager to fight for his country, he enlisted in the Navy. Germany surrendered while he was in the recruiting office, and the war was over by the time he entered boot camp. But God had a plan for Jim Wilson in the U.S. Navy…
Through adventures of sickness, poverty, hard work, and war, this is the story of God’s provision and protection in the life of one Nebraska farm boy turned ardent evangelist.
“For sixty years, Jim helped me apply my Christian faith to life—not through eloquence, power, or wealth but through a demonstrated commitment pointing the way to life’s Source. This is the story of an American life well lived.” - John Knubel, Lt. Cdr. USN Retired, Naval Academy Class of ’62.
"My Grandfather has been telling fantastic stories for as long as I can remember, and living them for far longer than that. His influence is a huge contributor to my own career as a story teller, and I’m incredibly grateful—for myself and my kids—that he found the energy to compile his life story in book form. Just one caution: don’t go thinking he’s a reliable narrator. He isn’t. He undersells himself constantly, but only because his eyes are so firmly locked on the true Author, the One who wrote every one of these Jim Wilson stories while the concrete for time’s foundation was still wet and churning in the trucks." - N.D. Wilson, author
Have an Audible subscription? You can also get this title on Audible here. -
Evangelism on the Front Lines Coming from decades of faithful witnessing as a pastor, a U.S. Navy officer, and a door-to-door evangelist, Taking Men Alive shares Jim Wilson's extensive wisdom on evangelism. Jim's insights have been gleaned from a huge variety of personal interactions and straightforward (yet surprising) exegesis of biblical accounts of evangelism. Entertaining and intensely practical, Taking Men Alive is an inspiring evangelistic meditation and powerful handbook for determining what spiritual state your neighbor is in and how you should approach taking his heart for the Lord Jesus Christ.
A Handbook on Personal Evangelism Even if communities understand how to follow the principles of spiritual warfare, the actually winning of souls usually occurs on the personal level. Big-picture evangelistic strategy must be complemented by an understanding of personal evangelism. Weapons & Tactics teaches individual Christians how to apply the evangelistic principles described in Principles of War. Using thorough analysis of Scripture and real-life examples, Jim Wilson provides insight on spiritual weapons (what God has given us to fight with) and tactics (the effective use of those weapons) with simple, powerful language. Weapons & Tactics calls us to personal, life-changing obedience as we follow our captain in the fight.
How should Christians react when the culture around them is disintegrating and drifting towards chaos? Should we hunker down, praying and waiting for relief - consoled by God's ultimate control and authority? Or is our calling and commission to respond instead with hopeful vigour and positivity to these unfamiliar testing times? This book calls us to the latter option. There is hope; this is Christ's world; all authority has been given to Him. He is King of kinds and He is bringing all things under His control. And we are His instruments, His hands and feet - so there is work for us to do. This books sets out the grounds for this hope, explains our role in bringing it about, and, above all, tells us how we must begin - by preaching the kingdom.
New Devotional Readings - Who We Are & What We Do in Christ Being Christian has St. Paul's ambitious goal: to present every person perfect in Christ. With that in mind, this wide-ranging devotional is full of strong texts and short teaching, all organized into bite-size readings. You will find applicable wisdom on every page, as Being Christian is the product of Jim Wilson's practical advice and scriptural meditation over the past thirty-five years. Throughout every chapter you will read a huge variety of powerful, concentrated Scriptures, covering fundamental topics like prayer, evangelism, everyday holiness, joy, love, family, and (of course) what it means to be a Christian. "Strong teaching makes strong Christians. And it makes soft-hearted, tender, loving Christians. But soft teaching makes hard, callused Christians. Soft teaching is for people who have itching ears. They do not wish to have their lives interfered with." ~ JIM WILSON, from the preface
In this sequel to At the Edge of the Village , Lisa Leidenfrost describes life in her village in Côte d' Ivoire. Although there are exciting stories about the local witch doctor and escaping from a civil war, life as a missionary is often surprisingly normal. Family life need not be crowded out by frenetic translation schedules and fundraising furloughs. Whether it’s the humorous cultural differences in hospitality or courtship, or the kids’ adventures with driver ants, snakes, bees, a bushbaby, or a parrot, From the Village to the Ends of the Earth shows what it is like to raise a family while building the kingdom of God in Africa.
What is it like being a missionary in Africa? Danger, joy, love, and lots of laughter.
A missionary's life is not just danger, hard work, and culture shock, interspersed with moments of high joys and deep sorrows. In this book consisting of both narrative and letters to her church, Lisa Leidenfrost shows that it also consists of the small, daily things, the quotidian experience which makes life at the edge of a village as familiar as life in America. This book features the ordinary and extraordinary, the solemn and playful, the mundane and exotic—all coming together to create a down-to-earth portrait of the Gospel at work in a family and a society .From the Book:
"Step into our world, a place of laughter and tears, trials and hopes, events captured and stories told. They are stories of life, lived out on the mission field in Africa where the hand of God is ever present in every situation. They are stories of daily events, of cultural experiences recounted, of friends loved and lost, and of trials surmounted. They are stories of bothersome situations turned to laughter as God gives us the ability to find humor in various hardships—a humor that has kept us sane over all these years. They are mostly stories of the familiar things in life, the little things that lend spice to our daily experience. Not all of missionary life is extraordinary or bizarre. Most of it is just normal, common events that unfold one day into another. And because God is good, there is a beauty in living, a purpose beyond our own mere existence that can make even the smallest things we do burst with life and meaning, laughter and delight. Too often these small, commonplace things go unnoticed unless they are caught and brought to life in words, words which become a lens that can, even if for a single moment, bring this ever-present beauty into focus." -
The cover colors on the individual volumes are mismatched. No other issues. The 1599 Geneva Bible is a remarkable Bible for many reasons: it was the first English Bible translated entirely from the Hebrew and the Greek, it was the first Bible with chapter and verse divisions, it was the first with a legible font, and the first with maps, notes, and chronologies and indices. Most importantly, it was intended not for displaying in churches, but for family reading.With this in mind, the Modernized Geneva Bible (MGB) updates archaic syntax, spelling, and vocabulary of the first iconic Geneva version, allowing you to read without distraction the most important English Bible of the Reformation: The Geneva went into battle with the Puritans in the English Civil War, the Geneva made enemies of popes and kings across Europe, and the Geneva even went to America with the Pilgrims.But the MGB New Testament is not a facsimile edition intended for scholars of the Reformation. The thirteen thin volumes of the MGB New Testament are meant for one thing only: to be pulled off the shelf and read again and again; to be dog-eared and written in; to be consumed. We Christians learn to desire the pure milk of the Word as newborn infants (1 Pet. 2:2), for without feeding our souls we cannot grow spiritually.
The 1599 Geneva Bible is a remarkable Bible for many reasons: it was the first English Bible translated entirely from the Hebrew and the Greek, it was the first Bible with chapter and verse divisions, it was the first with a legible font, and the first with maps, notes, and chronologies and indices. Most importantly, it was intended not for displaying in churches, but for family reading.With this in mind, the Modernized Geneva Bible (MGB) updates archaic syntax, spelling, and vocabulary of the first iconic Geneva version, allowing you to read without distraction the most important English Bible of the Reformation: The Geneva went into battle with the Puritans in the English Civil War, the Geneva made enemies of popes and kings across Europe, and the Geneva even went to America with the Pilgrims.But the MGB New Testament is not a facsimile edition intended for scholars of the Reformation. The thirteen thin volumes of the MGB New Testament are meant for one thing only: to be pulled off the shelf and read again and again; to be dog-eared and written in; to be consumed. We Christians learn to desire the pure milk of the Word as newborn infants (1 Pet. 2:2), for without feeding our souls we cannot grow spiritually.