• How Readest Thou?

    Join J.C. Ryle as he explains the benefits of reading (and rereading) the Bible, and find inspiration for your daily devotions in this classic work. Do you read the Bible? “I’m not a Christian, so what’s the point?” “I read it once – why do I need to read it again?” Why should you read the Bible? For eighteen centuries it has been studied and prayed over by millions of Christians and explained and preached by thousands of ministers. It meets the hearts and minds and consciences of Christians in the twenty-first century as fully as it did when it was first completed. It is still the first book which fits children’s minds when they begin to learn religion, and the last to which the old man clings as he leaves the world. It is the book for every heart, because God who alone knows all hearts dictated it. The Bible alone explains the state of things that we see in the world around us. There are many things on earth which a natural man cannot explain. The amazing inequality of conditions, the poverty and distress, the oppression and persecution, the failures of politicians and legislators, the constant existence of uncured evils and abuses—all these things are often puzzling. We see it, but do not understand. But the Bible makes it all clear. Do you read the Bible? Come and read the book whose teaching “turned the world upside down.” Come read the Bible.
  • God is good, all the time. Jim Wilson was born in 1927 and raised in a Depression-era farming family. At the age of sixteen, at the height of World War II, he became the primary breadwinner for his parents and four younger siblings. At age seventeen, eager to fight for his country, he enlisted in the Navy. Germany surrendered while he was in the recruiting office, and the war was over by the time he entered boot camp. But God had a plan for Jim Wilson in the U.S. Navy…

    Through adventures of sickness, poverty, hard work, and war, this is the story of God’s provision and protection in the life of one Nebraska farm boy turned ardent evangelist.

    “For sixty years, Jim helped me apply my Christian faith to life—not through eloquence, power, or wealth but through a demonstrated commitment pointing the way to life’s Source. This is the story of an American life well lived.” - John Knubel, Lt. Cdr. USN Retired, Naval Academy Class of ’62.

    "My Grandfather has been telling fantastic stories for as long as I can remember, and living them for far longer than that. His influence is a huge contributor to my own career as a story teller, and I’m incredibly grateful—for myself and my kids—that he found the energy to compile his life story in book form. Just one caution: don’t go thinking he’s a reliable narrator. He isn’t. He undersells himself constantly, but only because his eyes are so firmly locked on the true Author, the One who wrote every one of these Jim Wilson stories while the concrete for time’s foundation was still wet and churning in the trucks." - N.D. Wilson, author

    Have an Audible subscription? You can also get this title on Audible here.
  • Dead and Alive

    Disobedience. It’s normal, right? For hundreds of years, the Church has struggled with how to overcome sin in the Christian life. We know that the cross takes care of our past sins at salvation and assures us life after death. But what do we do with the time in between? Many Christians go through life sinning and confessing, sinning and confessing, but they never get beyond that. Is that better than sinning and not confessing? Absolutely: but it is not enough if you want to grow. Contrary to most evangelical teaching today, Christian obedience is meant to be glad-hearted, willing, and normal. In Dead and Alive, Jim Wilson discusses the neglected requirement of obedience and explains God’s provision for it from Scripture. May the thoughts in it lead you into a victorious, obedient life in Christ. "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am holy.'” (1 Pet. 1:15–16) Have an Audible subscription? This title is also available on Audible here.
  • Jim Wilson prayed his first real prayer at a Youth for Christ meeting on the night of October 18, 1947. He was introduced to the Father through Jesus Christ, and his life was changed. He describes his prayer life since as sometimes strong, sometimes wavering, “but always to the God who is always faithful.” The quality of our spiritual life depends on the closeness of our walk with God. A major component of that walk is prayer. 1 Thess. 5:17 tells us to “pray constantly.” We are in a spiritual war, and God is our source of spiritual nourishment, protection, and direction. Via prayer we make our needs known, ask help for others, praise Him for victories, confess our defeats, and, most importantly, have fellowship with Him. In Answered Prayer: The Faithfulness of God Made Manifest, you will learn what the Bible teaches about prayer, study its examples of answered prayer, and read Jim’s personal stories from seven decades of walking with the Lord. “My prayer is that this book will help you get into the habit of praying. You may be surprised at the results. As I look back at my own history and all the answers God has provided, I wonder that I am not pray­ing every minute of the day.” – Jim Wilson Have an Audible subscription? This title is also available on Audible here.
  • “I had never read anything like this in the religious books of the Hindus.” After years of searching for something more than the hopeless existence her religion offered to those not born into a high caste, Pandita had at last discovered someone who could uplift the downtrodden women of India—and every land. “To me, who but a few moments ago ‘sat in the region and shadow of death, light had sprung up’ (Matthew 4:16).” In An Honorable Heritage, Pandita Ramabai tells her story of being born into the privileged Brahman caste and leaving tradition behind for something far better—the light and hope she found in Christ.
  • Africa was their home. Could they ever go back? Physical weakness coupled with civil unrest in the Ivory Coast had extended a six-month furlough to several years and threatened to derail the Leidenfrosts’ plans to return to their beloved Africa and continue mission work with the Bakwé people. But now they were finally going home to their village…or so they thought. “On top of all this, a subtle grief over the loss of Africa continued to grip my heart. In my dismal state, I felt the clouds part and God’s presence come down to touch His child. God saw the pain, the loneliness, the need, and was telling me that I was not forgotten. It was too easy to focus on my troubles. I needed to remember that His love is stronger, more real, than the pain I was suffering at that moment. Was I going to focus on His love, or on the pain?” Join Lisa Leidenfrost as she walks through trial after trial and learns to keep her eyes on God, whom she finds by her side through it all. This book is especially recommended for anyone experiencing a long-term health challenge or other hardship with an uncertain outcome.
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