Non-Christians and the powers of darkness out­number us along the whole front in the spiritual warfare. We can make advances along this front by using two-by-two concentration. This is necessary; however, it may not bring a decisive victory. In order to win a decisive victory, we must seek the will of God to determine the decisive points. Then:

·  Christians along the whole front will con­centrate on prayer for the decisive points.

· The physical transfer could be made by taking time off and traveling to the decisive point.

This would weaken portions of the front temporar­ily, but no more so than when Christians take leave under ordinary circumstances.

When Jesus gave the Great Commission, the apostles were not sent immediately to the uttermost parts of the earth. They were told to remain together in Jerusalem until they were “endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). Notice the elements of concentration:

·  They were all together.

·  They all continued together in prayer.

·  They were all in agreement.

·  They all preached the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:11).

As a result of concentrated prayer and preaching, three thousand were won to Christ in one day.

The same sort of concentration was practiced in the Billy Graham campaigns. Thousands of Christian people prayed for him, the team, and the city for weeks and months in advance of the crusade. Hundreds more concentrated in the city as counselors, choir members, and assistant missioners weeks in ad­vance and during the crusade.

“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2).

*Excerpted from Principles of War. To purchase, visit