• Jim Wilson prayed his first real prayer at a Youth for Christ meeting on the night of October 18, 1947. He was introduced to the Father through Jesus Christ, and his life was changed. He describes his prayer life since as sometimes strong, sometimes wavering, “but always to the God who is always faithful.” The quality of our spiritual life depends on the closeness of our walk with God. A major component of that walk is prayer. 1 Thess. 5:17 tells us to “pray constantly.” We are in a spiritual war, and God is our source of spiritual nourishment, protection, and direction. Via prayer we make our needs known, ask help for others, praise Him for victories, confess our defeats, and, most importantly, have fellowship with Him. In Answered Prayer: The Faithfulness of God Made Manifest, you will learn what the Bible teaches about prayer, study its examples of answered prayer, and read Jim’s personal stories from seven decades of walking with the Lord. “My prayer is that this book will help you get into the habit of praying. You may be surprised at the results. As I look back at my own history and all the answers God has provided, I wonder that I am not pray­ing every minute of the day.” – Jim Wilson Have an Audible subscription? This title is also available on Audible here.
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  • How do you know God answers prayer? Rosalind Goforth writes, “When in Canada on our first furloughs, I was amazed at the incredulity expressed when definite testimony was given to an answer to prayer. Sometimes this was shown by an expressive shrug of the shoulders…sometimes more openly by the query: ‘How do you know that it might not have happened so, anyway?’” The stories in this book are Rosalind’s answer to those doubts. She tells of her family’s ministry on the front lines of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, God’s comfort and protection on the mission field, and their repeated rescue through the prayers of people at home whom God moved to pray at just the right time. Rosalind reminds us that there is no trouble too small for God, and that He loves to answer our prayers. “As truly as I delight to be sought for by my child when he is cold or hungry, ill, or in need of protection, so is it with my Heavenly Father.” She wrote in hope that you, too, will be able to say from a full heart, I know God answers prayer.
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  • The Christian faith has repeatedly been called a “religion of the book.” Along with the incarnate Word and the oral word of preaching, God has chosen the medium of books to proclaim His goodness to us. The Bible is the book per se, and it sets the standard for the Christian faith. The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century saw the dramatic power of the printed word to bring light out of darkness as literature changed the thought and life of nations. The Reformers used pamphlets and tracts extensively to bring about spiritual revolution—the printing press turned out to be the lever with which the enemy was lifted from his saddle. In A Religion of Books, Bockmuehl traces the role books played in the Reformation and through various movements of the Spirit in the following centuries. He also addresses how the written word shapes political movements and how Christians can continue to use literature to point people to Christ.
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  • Put on your armor—it’s time to fight. We are in a spiritual war, William Gurnall reminds us, and “the Christian’s safety lies in resisting. All the armour provided is to defend the Christian fighting, none to secure him flying; stand, and the day is ours; fly or yield, and all is lost.” This hard-hitting volume is packed with biblical wisdom for day-to-day Christian living, as helpful today as it was when first published nearly four hundred years ago. Although history left us little knowledge of William Gurnall’s life, it preserved this book—a legacy that has encouraged many generations of saints to fight sin, love Christ, and live holy and faithful lives as Christians who have clothed themselves in the complete armor of God. “Amongst all the Puritan writings that have come down to us, none…are more practical than this one.” – Hamilton Smith Have an Audible subscription? You can also get this title on Audible here.
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  • Do you feel weighed down by sin? Is there one area where you keep tripping up? Or perhaps although you know you are a Christian, your spiritual life seems mediocre. You’d like to be living joyfully, but you just don’t know how. In this sequel to How to Be Free from Bitterness, Jim Wilson returns to talk about how to get rid of those persistent “besetting sins.” Many Christians believe they are enslaved to particular sins. But this is not true. The truth is that Christ has freed us from the penalty of sin and the power of sin. If you are a Christian, you are already free. Anger, envy, worry, depression—whatever your problem is, it can be put to death today. “And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32). Have an Audible subscription? This title is also available on Audible here.
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  • The Heart

    “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Prov. 4:23). Whether we know it or not, all of us have had heart trouble. The good news is that Jesus Christ is the best heart specialist of all time. In this collection, Bessie examines the Bible’s references to the heart: what God says about our condition, and what provision He has made for us in Jesus Christ. It is no-nonsense Bible teaching with an emphasis on practical application.
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  • God is good, all the time. Jim Wilson was born in 1927 and raised in a Depression-era farming family. At the age of sixteen, at the height of World War II, he became the primary breadwinner for his parents and four younger siblings. At age seventeen, eager to fight for his country, he enlisted in the Navy. Germany surrendered while he was in the recruiting office, and the war was over by the time he entered boot camp. But God had a plan for Jim Wilson in the U.S. Navy…

    Through adventures of sickness, poverty, hard work, and war, this is the story of God’s provision and protection in the life of one Nebraska farm boy turned ardent evangelist.

    “For sixty years, Jim helped me apply my Christian faith to life—not through eloquence, power, or wealth but through a demonstrated commitment pointing the way to life’s Source. This is the story of an American life well lived.” - John Knubel, Lt. Cdr. USN Retired, Naval Academy Class of ’62.

    "My Grandfather has been telling fantastic stories for as long as I can remember, and living them for far longer than that. His influence is a huge contributor to my own career as a story teller, and I’m incredibly grateful—for myself and my kids—that he found the energy to compile his life story in book form. Just one caution: don’t go thinking he’s a reliable narrator. He isn’t. He undersells himself constantly, but only because his eyes are so firmly locked on the true Author, the One who wrote every one of these Jim Wilson stories while the concrete for time’s foundation was still wet and churning in the trucks." - N.D. Wilson, author

    Have an Audible subscription? You can also get this title on Audible here.
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  • “I had never read anything like this in the religious books of the Hindus.” After years of searching for something more than the hopeless existence her religion offered to those not born into a high caste, Pandita had at last discovered someone who could uplift the downtrodden women of India—and every land. “To me, who but a few moments ago ‘sat in the region and shadow of death, light had sprung up’ (Matthew 4:16).” In An Honorable Heritage, Pandita Ramabai tells her story of being born into the privileged Brahman caste and leaving tradition behind for something far better—the light and hope she found in Christ.
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  • Naval Academy midshipman Jim Wilson didn't cuss or smoke or chew or go with girls who do. When a friend asked him if he was going to heaven, Jim replied, "If someone like me can't make it, heaven is going to be thinly populated." It was a serious answer, but his friend laughed. Jim was in for a surprise: Turns out you have to be bad to go to heaven.
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  • The Spirit Is Moving

    The Holy Spirit is in business these days. Christ is healing wounds that no one else can heal. People all over the world are experiencing the love of God in a new way. The Spirit is blowing our fences down, reconciling us to God and each other. Sin remains just talk about ethics, until the Holy Spirit comes, and we find ourselves caught red-handed in His revealing light. But the blessed Holy Spirit is not a policeman. He is the Friend of the guilty. He convicts in order to liberate. See what happens when a person comes afresh to Him.
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  • The Dynamic of Service

    During his time at Oxford, a friend asked Paget Wilkes one day, “I say, Paget, do you tackle everyone who comes into your rooms about his soul?” “Yes,’ answered Paget, “if he comes in alone.” Wilkes was convinced that even the humblest Christian is responsible for bringing men to Christ. “If we have been forgiven and know it, if we have been made new creatures in Christ Jesus, then we…are commissioned to minister this same salvation unto men and to witness of all these things which Jesus our Savior has revealed to us. Hallelujah!” The primary need of the mission field today, as it was in Wilkes’ time, “is not for a highly educated and cultured pastorate, but for red-hot evangelists, filled with the Spirit and with the Word.” Join Wilkes as he expounds the living Christ from Scripture and reveals the power of the Holy Spirit to uphold and enable converts and evangelists alike.
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  • "Christ is kindest in His love when we are at our weakest." - Samuel Rutherford When we read The Loveliness of Christ, it is as though a curtain is raised for us, enabling us to observe a man so taken up with his Lord that we want to kneel with him. It is not a book to read straight through, but to graze in, appropriating what we need, going back during a trial and seeing what we missed on our first reading. It is a book to mark in with “so true,” and, “Lord, let it be my experience too.”
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