Whether the offensive is directed against the whole front or against one segment of the enemy army, “in either case it should be well understood that there is in every battlefield a decisive point, the possession of which, more than any other, helps to secure the victory by enabling its holder to make proper application of the Principles of War. Arrangements should therefore be made for striking the decisive blow upon this point” (Antoine-Henri Jomini, Jomini and His Summary of the Art of War, The Military Classics series, ed. Lt. Col. J.D. Hittle [Harrisburg: The Stackpole Co., 1947[, Article XXXI).

There are two things that determine a decisive point. The first is the relative importance of that point compared to the rest of the front. The second is the feasibility of taking that point. If it is not important, it is not decisive. If it is important but not feasible to take, then it is not decisive. This is very important. Be alert for teaching on the decisive point in succeeding posts.

Whether the offense is made along the whole front or at a decisive point, it has several basic characteristics. In attitude it is bold; in direction it is forward toward the enemy at the objective; and as its means it uses effective weapons.

The offensive in the spiritual war is conducted in the same manner. It is directed against the enemy, not against the objective. Satan is the enemy. We fight in order to wrest from his possession those who through fear of death are subject to his bondage (Heb. 2:14–15).

Most of this spiritual war is already history. Jesus Christ delivered the decisive blow at the decisive point at the decisive time. The blow was His death for sin and sinners. The point was a cross outside the city of Jerusalem, and the time was the feast of the Passover about AD 30. The Bible tells us that this blow destroyed the enemy and set the prisoners free. When Jesus died on the cross, He cried with a loud voice, “It is finished.” What was finished? The defeat and ultimate destruction of Satan! This was the emancipation proclamation that sets us free from Satan. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

(To be continued on Wednesday…)

*Excerpted from Principles of War. To purchase, visit ccmbooks.org/bookstore.