I came across the following
poem (prayer) and devotional in Amy Carmichael’s book Edges of His Ways:


Before the winds that blow do

Teach me to dwell within thy

Before the pain has passed in

Give me, my God, to sing a

Let me not lose the chance to

The fulness of enabling love.

O Love of God, do this for

Maintain a constant victory.


Before I leave the desert

For meadows of immortal flowers,

Lead me where streams at thy

Flow by the borders of the

That when the thirsty come I

Show them the fountains in
the way.

O love of God, do this for

Maintain a constant victory.


“This prayer was written
for the ill, and for the tired. It is so easy to fail when not feeling fit. As
I thought of them, I also remembered those who, thank God, are not ill and yet
can be hard-pressed. Sometimes in the midst of the rush of things, it seems
impossible to be victorious, always to be peaceful, always to be inwardly
sweet. Is that not so! Yet that and nothing less is our high calling. So the
prayer is really for us all.” – Amy Carmichael

“But thanks be to God,
who leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads
everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him” (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Because we are Jesus Christ’s,
we have victory in Him, regardless of circumstance. Let us choose to live in Christ’s victory today. God bless you.